Helpful Information About
Insurance Agents in the Boston, MA Area


Three Types Of Insurance You Do Not Need in Boston, MA

Insurance Agent Massachusetts

Insurance is generally something that you purchase in order to protect you and your family from the potential financial loss caused by a catastrophic event or serious illness. But there are types of insurance that don't really provide that peace of mind for you, that are not required, that cost more than you could ever benefit from, and that are best avoided. Here are 3 types of insurance that you can "just say NO" to. Life Insurance Sold By Credit Card Companies - Credit card companies will offer you insurance that pays off your credit card balances when you die. If you already have a life insurance policy, either obtained on your own or through your employer, that will do the same thing. Why pay the credit card companies a much higher premium for... Read More...

Are All Car Insurance Companies Equal? Here's What To Look For in Boston

MA Insurance Agent

Car insurance protects you against any financial loss that may happen due to an accident or theft of your car. It is a car insurance company that issues car insurance to you. A car insurance company will work up a car insurance policy for you after evaluating the various options like the make of your car, the premium that you are willing to pay, your insurance risk, etc. A yearly premium has to be paid by you to the car insurance company so that the company can pay for your loses that you may bear in the future. All the terms and conditions are mentioned in the contract and it is your duty as a car owner to look over all the points and ask the insurance agent any questions that you have in mind. It is only after all the terms and... Read More...

Homeowners insurance: Whats covered, whats not, and what to look for in the Boston Area

Insurance Agent

Individuals planning on purchasing a home spend weeks if not months picking the perfect neighborhood, floor plan, and then home before they even consider purchase. In a similar way, buyers will shop around and compare the interest rates offered them on mortgages. Yet, when it comes to homeowners insurance, the norm is to still simply to defer the decision-making to the agent. But just as you wouldnt consider purchasing your home without first researching and planning, so also should homeowners insurance buyers consider the major options available when it comes to buying a homeowners policy. In its simplest form, homeowners insurance is an agreement between you, the homeowner, and an insurance company, that in exchange for you making monthly... Read More...

Insurance Made Easy A Guide For The Consumer in Boston

For most of us, insurance coverage represents a love-hate relationship. We hate paying for the premiums, but love having the right kind of coverage when it is needed. We realize that is important to have insurance coverage, but just the thought of contacting different insurance agents, or researching different insurance plans, can not only be a scary experience, but incredibly overwhelming. Knowing what types of insurance are available, and making sure you have the correct coverage for your life's needs is a task that should be given careful consideration. Using the following suggestions, whether you are a novice or a veteran insurance buyer, will help you to make critical insurance coverage decisions. First and most important, is to ask yourself the... Read More...


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