Helpful Information About
DUI Attorneys in the Boston, MA Area


DWI, DUI, And BAC: Three Deadly Acronyms in Boston, MA

DUI Attorney Massachusetts

DWI – Driving While Intoxicated. DUI – Driving Under the Influence (of alcohol or drugs). BAC – Blood Alcohol Concentration (or Content). These three acronyms form a deadly combination. The main links between the three are alcohol and driving. It is well documented that drinking alcohol impairs judgment, slows reaction time, and decreases coordination. When a person is DWI or DUI, he or she is piloting a one-ton time bomb with little control over it. Is it speeding towards... Read More...

DUI Lawyers Approve in Boston

MA DUI Attorney

DUI Lawyers agree that Drinking and Driving is not a premeditated crime. Most people do not think, "tonight I am going to drink and drive." People simply make that decision after having consumed alcohol. Dui Law should be considered in the unfortunate event that you get pulled over by law enforcement. Most people think that if they get pulled over for DUI, and are below the legal limit, that the officer will let them go or they will only be fined and not charged. The truth is that if a law enforcement officer observes alcohol, smells alcohol, or hears... Read More...

A New Take on DUI in the Boston Area

DUI Attorney

When most people hear the dreaded words Driving under the Influence they see dollar signs because of the costs involved anymore. Organizations like M.A.D.D. and S.A.D.D. have done a terrific job of heightening awareness across the country on driving under the influence of alcohol. States like New Mexico have come the furthest but only because it seemed like they were a safe haven for drunk drivers. Today there is a new problem! One of the unspoken related problems of drunk driving is drivers falling asleep while intoxicated. Now there is a new epidemic sweeping the country in the form of sleepwalking drivers-driving under the... Read More...

Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer For A DUI Charge in Boston

Ever been pulled over on a DUI charge? Yes this happens but you can beat the system with the help of a criminal defense lawyer. Drinking under the influence charges require fast action on your part so that your license will not be suspended. The first thing you have to do of course is hire a lawyer so you can immediately be released from jail. In some cases, this does not happen because you are released on your own recognizance. However, some will require you to post bail which your lawyer can arrange. Once released, it is now time to address this issue. In some states, a DUI charge generatese... Read More...


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